Preeti Counselling Foundation

What is well-being

Embrace Well-Being: Nurturing Life's Balance and Happiness

Discover Well-Being: Fulfillment Across Every Aspect of Life

Achieving well-being involves the harmonious integration of physical health, emotional resilience, and social fulfillment. It encompasses a state of balance where individuals experience vitality, happiness, and a sense of purpose in their lives. Well-being extends beyond absence of illness to encompass overall life satisfaction and the ability to cope with stress and adversity effectively.

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Nos références clients :

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Education and Knowledge

Education and Knowledge

Economic Security

Economic Security

Social Connections

Social Connections

Safety and Security

Safety and Security

Political Freedom

Political Freedom

Cultural and Environmental Preservation

Cultural and Environmental Preservation

Equality and Justice

Equality and Justice

Human Rights

Human Rights

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Education and Awareness:

Life skills education to empower youth through individual abilities and potentials.

Integrating life skills into various content areas, topics, or subjects.

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